Good body
Self love selfie I had a revelation today, I've seen this "every body is a good body" thing, and it's had me thinking about body image. For my daughter's sake (and my son) I point out how amazing bodies are, like that mine grew two babies. But if I'm being honest I've had a lot of trouble feeling many positive things towards my body. Let's face it, this body isn't scoring high on functionality, it's not as thin or beautiful as it once was, 40 lbs later and a bunch more scars, this menopausal vessel is not what I pictured for myself at the "ripe old age" of 32! But today I realized despite all that, that my body is keeping me alive through stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, allowing me more time with my loved ones, so I think maybe it is a good body. On top of that, even with the many bone tumors, I still healed successfully from a second hip surgery. You see that? Even the bodies that kill you prematurely are good bodies. We...