The first
Well, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. First off, my baby girl started school! Ready for her first day of school She took the bus home How did that happen? It seems like she was just born and now POOF she's in school! I'm so glad I was here and able to bring her to school, able to snap a few pictures that someday she can look back on. I know I will miss many "firsts" so for me it was that much more momentous an occasion. Last week also marked the first week mommy and Aiden were home alone together. For the past 16 months I've had my husband here to help with all the heavy lifting (carrying baby to and from the car, up the stairs, out of the tub...) but Daddy went back to work last week and for the first time since my diagnosis it was all me, all day. I know, you're thinking "so what, that's parenting", but wow, how different things are when you add the physical limitations that come with bone cancer. When I had Ellie it was a...