More than 5

As I sit here and see @Layla'sArmy post about childhood cancer and the #worthmorethan5 campaign, I am reminded of something;

At my funeral and "in my honour", please don't give money to the cancer society or breast cancer relay, or whatever branded charity you think I would support because I have cancer. Here me out, I'm not saying don't support your local cancer center or it's clients, I'm saying don't fund CEO's vacation homes, hyped up publicity events and inexcusable amounts of swag (you know, the promo t's, and pens and visors...) that just ends up in a landfill.

If you really want to help those who are claimed to benefit from those charities, then donate money directly to your local hospital or cancer center. You can see if they need donations for things like parking passes, so patients don't have to pay to receive their chemo every week. If you know someone personally, watch their kids for free, cook for them. If it's more your style you could donate money to them (you can do it anonymously and I can promise they would be moved by the generosity of a stranger, probably to tears.)

It doesn't have to be a cancer charity either. Cancer is not what defines me. Any cause you're passionate about, I'm  sure there's something you can do to help them. If you want to make donations in my honour just think local and from the heart.

I stand with @Layla's Army, they are #worthmorethan5 and that's exactly why I would rather you find a local organization, or person, or cause, and help them directly. In my honour, think local, think from the heart.

A .gif of Amy Poehler, from Parks and Rec, saying "everything hurts and Im dying"


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