Happy Easter!

When you dont have icing you use #nutella
Happy Easter! I hope everyone is practicing #physical distancing, despite how hard it can be. Remember #stayathome

Mama and baby bunny
We have been in quarantine for what seems like forever πŸ˜† And it's impossible to keep up with the messes! Those plans I had to be productive and finish little projects...not a super success.

But, I read an article that said now is NOT the time to make projects of ourselves, so I'll try to go easy on myself. Maybe you want to go easy on yourself?
She LOVES sprinkles!
Despite being exhausted and sore I'm enjoying lock down. When I was diagnosed I imagined my family spending time together, I imagined us doing all the things we had said we would do when the kids were a bit bigger. Things like a road trip to the coast or travel to Europe, go to some iconic American location or even take a nice all inclusive trip somewhere warm.  A #bucketlist if you will.

I was disappointed and sad, not to mention lonely af,  when my husband went back to work, and my daughter started school, and my son started daycare after I fractured my leg. So I've enjoyed having us all together again. I am also looking forward to visiting again.
My little bear and my baby bearπŸ’“
...and sleep overs at Nana and Papa's!

What are you looking forward to, after it's safe to do so again.


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