A nightmares dream

We are back home now after 6 days in the big city of Toronto. When we left we thought we were just going for 3 days and we talked about how nice it would be to have some time to ourselves. We joked about what a dream it would be to sleep through the night, eat a meal uninterrupted, and perhaps the simplest joy, just to be able to talk to each other.  We had a good chuckle at the irony of our "dream" getaway, since the pretense was a tumor growing in my left eye. My husband and I have learned to find some humor in our nightmare situation. After meeting the oncologist at Princess Margaret Hospital and learning that he would start radiation right away I felt relieved that treatments wouldn't be delayed any further but I also felt guilty leaving my kids (3 & 1) for 6 days, the longest we've ever left them. Thank goodness for moms/ nanas!
Six days away from the kids was admittedly a very nice break, sleep being my favourite  part.  We got to live the dream, even if it was within a nightmare.
A colourful street art that reads "healing vibes"
Street art near Princess Margaret Hospital 


  1. Every time I think of what you're going through, my heart physically hurts, I wish there was something I could do or say to ease your pain, bt as you know I can't. Jenn you are amazing.when you all were here u never complained once and there were no poor me's. You just did what had to be done - you're a wonderful Mom and wife to your sweet family , I love you all more than words could ever express.


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