Radiation Vacation

This is me wearing my radiation mask during the first of 5 radiation treatments to my left eye
Radiation Mask
Yesterday I had my appointment at Princess Margaret Hospital, today I started radiation. This is the 4th time I've had radiation, in 2011 I had 3 weeks of radiation to my left breast, in May 2018 my right shoulder, spine and pelvis were radiated, and once it healed from surgery, my right femur received 5 rounds of radiation in July 2018. Today I had the first of 5 rounds of radiation to my left eye. The beam goes out the right eye which I'm told will prevent cancer in my right eye.

We had planned to spend only 3 days in Toronto, now we're staying 7. So let's enjoy a radiation vacation! Nana is watching the kids (thank you, mom!), so we get to sleep through the night, wake up when it feels right, then enjoy each others company all day, uninterrupted. A much needed rest, and some time to reconnect with my husband, the silver lining to having radiation therapy.
Here I am, plastic mesh mask over my face, snapped to the radiarion table
Radiating my left eye.


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